Historisk arkiv

Third generation mobile communications system in Norway: Sealed, first-price auction of the fourth licence

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Samferdselsdepartementet

The Royal Ministry of Transport and Communications announces today that the fourth licence to build and operate a third generation public mobile communication system (3G) in Norway will be assigned in a sealed auction. ( 17 Oct 06)

Press release

No.: 100/06
Date: 17 Oct 06

Third generation mobile communications system in Norway: Sealed, first-price auction of the fourth licence

The Royal Ministry of Transport and Communications announces today that the fourth licence to build and operate a third generation public mobile communication system (3G) in Norway will be assigned in a sealed auction.

The auction will take place 27th - 31st October this year and the auction is open to all interested parties, including parties that have not previously registered their interest.

The licence to build and operate a third generation public mobile communications system in Norway will be assigned following a sealed first-price auction. This means that each participant in the auction may only submit one single bid and the licence will be awarded the highest bidder.

All interested parties whishing to participate in the auction must submit a guarantee payable on demand. Deadline for submitting bids has been fixed at Tuesday, October 31 st> at 1000 AM local time. The bids will be opened and the information made public on the same day at 1400 PM local time.

For more information:
Invitation to participate in auction for allocation of licence for use of third generation (3G) mobile communications system in Norway (17 Oct 06)

Press release 24 Aug 06: Third generation mobile communications system – four companies interested in licence

Press release 05 Jul 06: New licence for third generation mobile communications system

Press release in Norwegian