Historisk arkiv

Good transport and telecommunication services will promote development in the High North

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Samferdselsdepartementet

Good transport and telecommunication services are necessary for trade and economic development,” said Minister of Transport and Communications Liv Signe Navarsete.


Nr.: 115/06
Dato: 01.12.06

Good transport and telecommunication services will promote development in the High North

“Good transport and telecommunication services are necessary for trade and economic development,” said Minister of Transport and Communications Liv Signe Navarsete.“The Government will therefore continue to develop transport and telecommunications infrastructure in the High North in order to reduce distance costs for people and businesses alike.”

Ms Navarsete was speaking in connection with the Government’s launch of its High North Strategy today.

“It is important to provide North Norway with direct access to major international markets. This will open up new opportunities for industrial and economic development in the north. It is therefore necessary to improve east–west communications, in addition to providing good communications north–south,” the Minister continued.

“As part of our efforts related to the National Transport Plan for the period 2010–2019 we will therefore carry out a thorough analysis of the existing transport infrastructure with a view to identifying measures and projects that will ensure its optimal development. The Ministry of Transport and Communications will hold meetings with the three counties in North Norway to start direct cooperation to determine the best way to develop the transport network in the High North,” Ms Navarsete added.

“Development in the High North also requires that the telecommunications network, including the electronic communications system, has sufficient capacity to transfer large amounts of data and is adapted to new uses. The Government considers it important to develop good infrastructure for electronic communications using technologies such as satellites, fibre optics and land-based radio. Good access to

ICT infrastructure is important for economic development and settlement in the north,” the Minister concluded.

Press release in Norwegian