Historisk arkiv

Workshop on Transport, Security and Environment

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Fiskeri- og kystdepartementet

Experience of regional cooperation in the High North to promote safe and secure multimodal corridorswhile protecting a fragile environment - Tønsberg, 16-18 October 2006

Experience of regional cooperation in the High North to promote safe and secure multimodal corridorswhile protecting a fragile environment - Tønsberg, 16-18 October 2006

Workshop on Transport, Security and Environment

Kingdom of Norway

in co-operation with the

Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities

Workshop on Transport, Security and Environment:

Experience of regional co-operation in the High North

to promote safe and secure multimodal corridors

while protecting a fragile environment

Identifying best practices

Tønsberg, 16-18 October 2006


Monday, 16 October 2006

12.00 – 14.00 Lunch buffet available

14.30 – 15.00 Opening Session

  • Welcoming remarks by Ms. Helga Pedersen, Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs
  • ·
  • Introductory remarks by HE. Frank Recker, Ambassador of Belgium to Norway, on behalf of the Chairmanship-in-Office
  • Introductory remarks by Mr. Bernard Snoy, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities

15.00 – 16.30 First Session: Challenges in promoting Multimodal Transport Corridors – the need for strategic planning

Efficient transport corridors are in the interest of both the public and private sectors, and will often depend on close co-operation across borders. This first session will deal with the division of roles in the planning and development process of such corridors.

Moderator: Ms. Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig, Director General, the Norwegian Ministry of

Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

Key note introductions:

  • Prospects of the development of Russian gas and oil export from Arctic oil and gas fields through the North Sea route and the North itinerary

Speaker: Mr. Juriy Mikhailovich Ivanov, Deputy General Director of the Central Research Institute of Maritime Transport, St. Petersburg, Russia

  • The Northern East-West Corridor

Speaker: Mr. Christer Beijbom, Director NEW Corridor AS

  • Challenges for the efficient functioning of the TRACECA corridor

Speaker :Mr. Murat Bekmagambetov, National Secretary of the TRACECA intergovernmental commission in Kazakhstan and President of the Research Institute on Transport and Communication

  • Maritime developments in Europe and their effects on transport corridors

Speaker: Mr. Malcolm Colling, the Maritime Policy Task Force, EU Commission

  • Prospects in the High North

Speaker: Mr. Dmitrij Semjonov, Gazprom

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

17.00 – 18.00 Panel discussion with key note speakers and Q&A from plenary:Possible models for regional co-operation and private sector participation

Moderator: Ms. Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig, Director General, the Norwegian Ministry of

Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

19.30 Dinner and cultural programme

Tuesday, 17 October 2005

09.00 – 10.30 Second Session:Safety and Security in Energy Transport

The transport of petroleum products is exposed to risks of both accidental nature (safety) and of hostile acts or influences (security). This session will aim at identifying best practices in the prevention of accidents connected to the transport of energy.

Moderator: Mr. Bernard Snoy, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities

Key note introductions:

  • Security challenges in transport of energy

Speaker: Captain Mike Rand, U.S. Coast Guard

  • Challenges to logistics in the GUAM-area

Speaker : Mr.Liubomir Tokar, Scientific Secretary of the National Institute of International Security Problems, Ukraine

  • The role of the State Caspian Shipping Company of Azerbaijan in organization of safe and secure maritime oil transportation in the Trans-Caspian sector of the Euro-Asian transport corridor

Speaker: Ms. Nazaket Panahova, Senior Controller, the Fleet Service Department of the State Caspian Shipping Company, Azerbaijan

  • Maritime Traffic and Oil Transportation through the Turkish Straits

Speaker: Captain Tuncay Çehreli, General Directorate of Coastal Safety and Salvage Administrations - Turkey

  • Environmental challenges – identifying best practices

Barents Sea - Mr. Johan Petter Barlindhaug, Barlindhaug Consulting

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 12.00 Discussions in working groups

Working Group 1 - Safety: How can regional co-operation be a supplement to the work of international co-operation concerning safety issues? Is there a role for the OSCE?

Moderator: Ambassador Christian Falkowski, Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to the International Organisations in Vienna.

Working Group 2 – Security:New security measures in transport. Is there a role for the OSCE?

Moderator: Ms. Henriette Nesheim, Advisor, the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

12.00 – 13.00 Luncheon

13.30 – 18.00 Visit to Norwegian Coastal Administration’s Department of Emergency Response in Horten

Including addresses on:

  • Oil-spill preparedness and emergency prevention and response - Mr. Tor Christian Sletner, Deputy Director General, the Norwegian Coastal Administration
  • ·
  • The organisation of traffic surveillance, monitoring and routeing of shipsMr.John Erik Hagen, Regional Director, the Norwegian Coastal Administration
  • ·
  • Regional co-operation between oil-companies and local authorities – Mr. Tharald Brekne, the Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies (NOFO)
  1. Dinner

Wednesday, 18 October 2006

09.00 – 10.30 Third session: Challenges inpromoting regional co-operation on preparedness and response to oil-spills and other environmental risks connected to transport

Oil-spill accidents will often affect more than one state. It is necessary to develop regional co-operation as a supplement to the work on national and global levels. This session will be focusing on regional co-operation on preparedness and response to oil-spills and other environmental risks, in order to identify best practices and a possible role for the OSCE.

Moderator: Mr. Tor Christian Sletner, Deputy Director General, the Norwegian Coastal Administration

Key note introductions:

  • Increased transport of oil - Risks and challenges for regional co-operation in the Black Sea

Speaker: Ambassador Altai Efendiev, Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation

  • Challenges in promoting regional co-operation on preparedness and response to oil-spill and other environmental risks connected to maritime transport in the Baltic.

Speaker: Mr.Kalervo Jolma, Finnish Environment Institute

  • Environmental management in transport

Speaker: Mr. Taras Stadnyk, Senior Expert, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ukraine

  • The challenges from the perspective of the private sector

Speakers: Mr. Tor Fjæran, Senior Vice President, Statoil Environment Corporate HSE and Mr. John Ostergaard, Director Oil Spill Training Company, former senior adviser on Marine Pollution IMO

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break

11.00 – 12.00 Discussions in regional working groups: Current need for increased co-operation and assistance in an OSCE framework

Working group 1: Black Sea

Moderator: To be confirmed

Working group 2: Caspian Sea

Moderator: Mr. Bjørn Kristoffersen, Vice President Environment, Statoil ASA

12.00 – 13.00 Closing session – Possible follow-up

Summary of discussions by:

  • Mr. Bernard Snoy, Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities
  • Ms. Kirsten Ullbæk Selvig, Director General, the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

13.00 Lunch buffet available


For substantial issues:

Ms. Henriette Nesheim

Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs (Oslo, Norway)

Tel : +47 22 24 64 58, Fax : +47 22 24 26 88, e-mail : henriette.nesheim@fkd.dep.no

Mr. Philip Reuchlin

Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities (Vienna, Austria)

Tel : +43 1 514 36 6223, e-mail : philip.reuchlin@osce.org

For logistical queries:

Mr. Tobias F. Svenningsen

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Oslo, Norway)

Tel : +47 22 24 35 10, Fax : +47 22 24 95 80, e-mail : tfs@mfa.no