Historisk arkiv

Nordic-Baltic assembly of Ministers

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Stoltenberg II

Utgiver: Landbruks- og matdepartementet

The Norwegian Chair to the Council of Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MR-FJLS) has invited the Nordic and Baltic Ministers responsible for agriculture, forestry, food related issues and fisheries to a meeting in Norway in November.

Nordic-Baltic assembly of Ministers

The Norwegian Chair to the Council of Ministers for Fisheries and Aquaculture, Agriculture, Food and Forestry (MR-FJLS) has invited the Nordic and Baltic Ministers responsible for agriculture, forestry, food related issues and fisheries to a meeting in Norway in November.

Three Declarations
The Ministers responsible for fisheries, agriculture, food related issues and forestry from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden convened in Tallinn on 7th-8th November 2003. At this meeting, the Ministers adopted three declarations and further declared their willingness to convene again at the latest in 2006.

A Ministerial meeting will be held the 7th-8th November 2006 at Thorbjørnrud Hotel at Jevnaker, Norway in order to follow up these decisions and to provide further progress of the co-operation in the Nordic-Baltic Region.

Some of the topics to be discussed on the Ministerial meeting are:

  • Rural and coastal development - the future challenges for the Region, including the Baltic Sea Culinary Route and the New Nordic Food
  • Bio-energy
  • A strategic Nordic/Baltic contingency plan for the control of exotic animal diseases or serious zoonoses
  • Further topics on food, fisheries and genetic resources. A complete and detailed agenda for the Ministerial meeting will be communicated later

To sign on to the conference, please contact ms astraea.antal@lmd.dep.no

Participation fee for excursion November 8 has been removed (excursion is free of charge). Number of participants to the excursion is limited to 80 pax.

Conference participants who wish lunch at Thorbjørnrud hotel at 1 pm November 7 are kindly asked to pay directly to the hotel at check-in/check-out.

Program: Senior adviser, mr Eivind Berg, Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food, e-mail: eivind.berg@lmd.dep.no, telephone: + 47 22 24 93 40

Practical arrangements: Higher executive officer ms Astraea Antal, Royal Norwegian Ministry of Agriculture and Food, e-mail: astraea.antal@lmd.dep.no, telephone: + 47 22 24 91 60.
