Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Nils Kristen Sandtrøen (Lab.)

Minister of Agriculture and Food

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has chief responsibility for food policy and agricultural policy. Agricultural policy covers land utilisation, agriculture and forestry, reindeer and other animal husbandry, and development of new agriculture based industries.
Svalbard Global Seed Vault

New seed samples deposited in Svalbard Global Seed Vault


13,000 seed samples from 21 genebanks are being deposited in the chambers of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault this week.

Frøkvelven på Svalbard

More than 30 000 new seed samples deposited in Svalbard Global Seed Vault


The Global Seed Vault in Svalbard received more than 30 000 new seed samples from 21 countries from Palestine and Sudan among other countries.


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Address: Postboks 8007 Dep. , 0030 Oslo
Visitor address: Teatergata 9 (R6), Oslo