NOU 2017: 2
Integration and trust
Long-term consequences of high immigration – Translation of chapter 1.1.
Official Norwegian Report about long-term consequences of a high level of immigration with a special emphasis on refugees
This report highlights the socio-economic impact of immigration. Furthermore, it discusses to which extent a persistent high level of immigration may influence solidarity and trust in Norway and the importance of differences in terms of culture and values. The report also considers whether the current integration measures in various policy fields are appropriate and recommends improvements. Finally, some overall, principal policy approaches and potential risks involved in these approaches are presented. The report is circulated for comments by stakeholders, and may be used for developing new policies.
Following the considerable influx of asylum seekers in 2015, the Government nominated a committee of experts and requested an Official Norwegian Report (NOU) about long-term consequences of a high level of immigration with a special emphasis on refugees. This report was presented on 1 February 2017 as NOU 2017:2 Integration and trust. Long term consequences of high immigration.