Strategy for Norway’s efforts in the Sahel region (2024–2030)

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2 Introduction

The Sahel region has undergone dramatic changes in recent years, which in turn have created more challenging framework conditions for Norway’s engagement. The terrorism threat has become more complex, a series of military coups have taken place, the UN mission in Mali (MINUSMA) has been closed down, regional cooperation arenas are under pressure, and the Mali peace agreement (Algiers Accord) has been terminated. Over the past few years, the Sahel region has gained greater geopolitical significance, and increasing importance is being attached to the region’s location in NATO’s southern flank. All this has had implications for Norway’s efforts in the region, and a new strategy is therefore needed.

Violent extremism, coups d’état, weak governance, increased geopolitical rivalries and polarisation, anti-Western rhetoric, and detrimental Russian interference and military engagement are among the challenges currently affecting the region. Underlying factors such as persistent poverty, food insecurity, lack of development and the impacts of climate change further exacerbate the situation. These challenges give rise to conflicts, increased human suffering and a heightened risk of irregular migration. The situation will deteriorate further if these challenges spread to the coastal states. All this affects Norwegian interests.

In the short term, the main focus of Norway’s engagement is to promote effective action to reverse the current negative trends, address humanitarian challenges, enhance food security, increase stabilisation, and improve local capacity to combat violent extremism. At the same time, it is vital to facilitate long-term sustainable development and strengthen the rule of law, democratic development, human rights and gender equality. These efforts are also important in countering irregular migration. The security situation is volatile, making it difficult for personnel on the ground to carry out their work. The presence of non-democratic governments poses challenges to direct development cooperation. For this reason, Norwegian support for efforts in the Sahel will be channelled to a greater extent through civil society organisations and multilateral institutions. With the establishment of the Embassy in Dakar, Norway’s engagement in the region will have a broader regional focus.

Norway has been engaged in the Sahel for decades and has provided substantial humanitarian and development assistance to the region. This engagement began in the 1980s with an initiative to enhance food security in parts of the region. Norway has expertise that may be of relevance, including relating to local climate-resilient food production, education and energy. The Sahel is one of the regions in the world that is most vulnerable to climate change, with drought, flooding, and sand and dust storms becoming increasingly widespread. Norway’s forest conservation efforts in Africa can affect rainfall, which is crucial for food production. Norway’s engagement in the Sahel has been welcomed by our partners.

The political dimension of this engagement was brought to the fore by the coup d’état in Mali in 2012 and the terrorist attack in In Amenas in spring 2013. Like its close partners, Norway sought to develop an integrated approach to the challenges in the Sahel region aimed at addressing the underlying causes of poverty, instability and extremism. In 2018, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued its first strategy for Norway’s efforts in the Sahel. This was renewed in 2021 and was intended to cover the five-year period 2021–2025. In the strategy, priority was given to Norway’s participation in the UN mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and consolidation of the Mali peace agreement. Since 2021, the parameters for Norway’s engagement have changed dramatically. As a consequence of this, Norway closed its Embassy in Bamako in Mali in December 2023 and opened a new Embassy in Dakar in Senegal in September 2024.

In light of the increasingly transnational nature of the challenges in the region, the revised strategy attaches greater importance to the need for a regional approach. The main focus will continue to be on the five countries that previously made up the G5 Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad), but the strategy now also highlights the need for more preventive efforts in the coastal states. ‘Coastal states’ here refers to the Western African countries that share borders with the G5 Sahel countries.

The strategy is structured around three priority focus areas, with deliverables under each of them. The strategy outlines who Norway aims to work with (partnerships) and also discusses risks and dilemmas that may affect Norway’s engagement moving forward.

The Sahel strategy is based on the objectives set out in the new Strategy for Norwegian engagement with African countries and must be viewed as a part of Norway’s overall efforts in Africa. The strategy is also in line with other relevant policy documents, such as Combining forces against hunger – a policy to improve food self-sufficiency , Norway’s strategy for promoting food security in development policy; Climate change, hunger and vulnerability , Strategy for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and the fight against hunger; Norway’s National Action Plan: Women, Peace and Security (2023–2030); A just world is an equal world , Action Plan for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Norway’s Foreign and Development Policy (2023–2030); the strategic framework for Norway’s efforts in countries and regions affected by conflict and fragility (Norwegian only) and Norway’s Humanitarian Strategy (2024–2029).

The revised Sahel strategy will apply for the period 2024–2030.