Historisk arkiv

Five air carriers want to operate scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv - Tromsø, Andenes - Bodø og Andenes - Tromsø

Historisk arkiv

Publisert under: Regjeringen Bondevik II

Utgiver: Samferdselsdepartementet

The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has received tenders to operate scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv – Tromsø, Andenes – Bodø and Andenes – Tromsø from five air carriers. (15.05.03)

Press release

No.: 61/03
Date: 15.05.03

Five air carriers want to operate scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv – Tromsø, Andenes – Bodø og Andenes – Tromsø

The Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communications has received tenders to operate scheduled air services on the routes Lakselv – Tromsø, Andenes – Bodø og Andenes – Tromsø from five air carriers:

  • Coast Air AS, Norway
  • Arctic Air AS, Norway
  • New Air AS, Denmark
  • Ben Air, Norway
  • Widerøe's Flyveselskap ASA, Norway

On 10th April 2003 The Ministry of Transport and Communicatons invited all EEA air carriers to submit tenders. The invitation to tender included the routes Lakselv – Tromsø, Andenes – Bodø and Andenes – Tromsø for the period 1 January 2004 – 31 March 2006.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications will now go through the tenders in order to choose which air carrier that will be awarded the exclusive right to operate the different routes. The choice of operator can at the earliest take place on 15 July 2003.

The exclusive right to operate a route will be awarded the tender requiring the lowest compensation for each route area and also fulfil the requirements set by the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Public service obligations as to frequency, seating capacity, aircraft category and maximum fares are among the requirements set by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Press release in Norwegian

The invitation to tender, 10 April 2003