Høring — Forslag om forbud mot bruk av sedler i utbetalingsautomater

Regjeringen har besluttet at det skal innføres forbud mot sedler på dagens automater. Forbudet trer i kraft 1. juli 2006.

Status: Ferdigbehandlet

Høringsfrist: 28.04.2006

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2006/02357 AØ/JS ETR


Høring – Endringer i forskrifter vedrørende drift av gevinstatuomater

1. Innledning
Vedlagt følger forslag om forbud mot bruk av sedler i utbetalingsautomater. Forslaget omfatter endring av forskrift 22. september 2000 nr 960 om oppstillingstillatelser for gevinstautomater og underholdningsautomater § 3, og forskrift 30. november 2004 nr. 1528 om bingo § 32.

I tillegg forslås ny vedtakelse av forskrift om typegodkjenning av gevinstautomater som utløp 31.12.2005. Det er kun foretatt mindre språklige endringer i denne.

Stortingets vedtak i juni 2003 om at Norsk Tipping skal ha enerett til drift av gevinstautomater er foreløpig ikke iverksatt på grunn av EØS-rettslige innsigelser mot vedtaket. Automatsaken var berammet for plenumsbehandling i Høyesterett i månedsskifte januar/februar 2006. Iverksettelse av vedtaket ble derfor utsatt med den følge at dagens automatdrift ble videreført til 31. mars 2006. ESA har i en pressemelding 18. november 2005 opplyst at det uavhengig av Høyesteretts behandling vil bli sendt stevning til EFTA-domstolen i saken. Ved beslutning 5. desember 2005 har Høyesteretts kjæremålsutvalg på dette grunnlag bestemt at Høyesteretts behandling av saken utsettes til EFTA-domstolens avgjørelse foreligger. Departementet er på dette grunnlag kommet til at det er nødvendig å videreføre driften av dagens automater til EFTA-domstolens beslutning foreligger. Forlengelse av de nåværende tillatelser vil bli gitt av Lotteri- og stiftelsestilsynet uten søknad med foreløpig virkning fram til 31.12.2006. Nødvendige forskriftsendringer i den forbindelse vil bli vedtatt uten høring før 1. april 2006.

De vedlagte endringsforslag vil bli notifisert i EØS-området i henhold til Direktiv 98/34 EF.

Eventuelle merknader til endringsforslagene må sendes departementet innen 28. april 2006.

2. Nærmere om forslagene
Ved en ytterligere forlengelse av den nåværende automatdriften anses det nødvendig å gjennomføre innstramminger i driften av de eksisterende gevinstautomater, for å begrense de samfunnsmessige skadevirkningene av dagens automater. Hovedbegrunnelsen for Stortingets vedtak om enerett for drift av utbetalingsautomater var et ønske om å bekjempe spilleavhengighet og bekjempe spillerelatert kriminalitet mer effektivt, å få bedre kontroll med misligheter i pengespillbransjen, samt å kunne håndheve 18-årsgrensen strengere.

Undersøkelser foretatt de senere år tyder på at over 50 000 personer i Norge har et problematisk forhold til pengespill. Opp mot 90 % av nye henvendelser til hjelpetelefonen for spilleavhengige gjelder spill på gevinstautomater. Spilleavhengighet gir økonomiske, sosiale og familiære problemer ikke bare for den spilleren som er rammet, men også for spillerens nærstående.

I påvente av en rettskraftig avgjørelse av spørsmålet om enerettsmodellen er i strid med EØS-avtalen, har departementet vurdert ulike midlertidige tiltak for å begrense skadevirkningene av dagens automatdrift. Som et raskt gjennomførbart tiltak foreslås det i denne omgang at det fastsettes forbud mot bruk av sedler på automatene. Det vil bli vurdert ytterligere midlertidige tiltak, blant annet i forhold til endringer i automatenes progamvare.

Et forbud mot bruk av sedler vil innebære at det tar lenger tid å putte store beløp i automaten. Det vil også være vanskeligere å ta med store beløp til automaten for å spille når pengene må tas med i form av mynter. Det er grunn til å tro at dette vil begrense spillaktiviteten mest for spillere som spiller mye, og at de som har problemer med at de spiller for mye får en praktisk og tidmessig tilskyndelse til å redusere spillingen.

Det er lite forskningsmessige data i forhold til effekten av et forbud mot bruk av sedler. Undersøkelser foretatt både i Norge og andre land tyder imidlertid på at spilleavhengige bruker sedler i større grad enn andre spillere.

Forbudet mot seddelbruk må håndheves av den som er ansvarlig for oppstillingen av automaten, og foreslås iverksatt med virkning fra 1. juni 2006. For å sikre at forbudet blir et praktisk hinder i forhold til overdreven spilling foreslås også forbud mot at automatene står oppstilt i lokaler med vekslingsautomat. Det foreslås videre at automatene skal blokkeres fysisk for bruk av sedler, og at slik fysisk blokkering skal være effektiv i automaten fra 1. august 2006.

3. Administrative og økonomiske konsekvenser
Det er vanskelig å anslå de økonomiske konsekvensene av forslaget, men det må legges til grunn at forbudet mot bruk av sedler kan gi en ikke ubetydelig nedgang i omsetningen i forhold til dagens nivå. Omsetningen i dagens automater er om lag tredoblet de senere år. Selv med en halvering av dagens omsetningsnivå vil de organisasjonene som mottar overskuddet fra automatdriften samlet sett få betydelig større inntekter enn i 2001.

Det legges opp til at Lotteri- og stiftelsestilsynet utsteder nye tillatelser med virkning fra 1. april 2006, jf foran, og at det i disse tillatelsene tas forbehold om at forbud mot bruk av sedler kan bli iverksatt fra 1. juni 2006. Oppstillingstillatelsene for dagens automater vil i denne omgang bli forlenget fram til 31.12.2006. Før en ytterligere forlengelse fra 1.1.2007 kan det være aktuelt å vedta ytterligere innstramminger i regelverket for automatdriften.

Med hilsen

Henning Gorholt e.f.

Rolf Francis Sims

Forskrift om endring i forskrift 30. november 2004 nr. 1528 om bingo

Fastsatt av Kultur- og kirkedepartementet … 2006 med hjemmel i lov av 24. februar 1995 nr 11 om lotterier m.v. § 3.

I forskrift 30. november 2004 nr. 1528 om bingo gjøres følgende endringer:

§ 32 skal lyde:

Tillatelse til oppstilling av bingoautomater kan bare gis dersom politiet finner at kontrollen med spillet kan ivaretas på en betryggende måte. Tillatelse kan ikke gis varighet ut over 31. mars 2006 . For bingoautomatene stilles det krav om at minimum 30 % av overskuddet skal tilføres oppstillende lag eller forening. Det er ikke tillatt å bruke sedler ved spill på bingoautomater. Bingoautomater kan ikke stå oppstilt i lokaler hvor det også finnes vekslingsautomater som veksler fra seddel til mynt. Seddelinntak som er montert på automaten skal være satt ut av funksjon ved permanent innvendig eller utvendig fysisk sperre.

Nytt fjerde og femte punktum trer i kraft 1. juni 2006.

Nytt sjette punktum trer i kraft 1. august 2006.

Forskrift om typegodkjenning av gevinstautomater

Fastsatt av Kultur- og kirkedepartementet ……2006 med hjemmel i lov 24. februar 1995 nr. 11 om lotterier m.v. § 3 og § 4.

Forskrift om typegodkjenning av gevinstautomater skal lyde:

§ 1.Typegodkjenning

Gevinstautomater skal typegodkjennes av Lotteritilsynet etter de vilkår som er gitt i kap. 2 samt i vedlegget til denne forskriften.

Gevinstautomater som søkes typegodkjent må kontrolleres av et testinstitutt utpekt av Lotteritilsynet.

Søkeren plikter å dekke alle utgiftene til typegodkjenningen, slik som teknisk kontroll, frakt- og forsendelsesutgifter, oversettelser og reise- og oppholdsutgifter etter statens regulativ.

§ 2.Tillatelse

Etter søknad til politiet skal oppstilling av gevinstautomater gjennomføres med automater som er typegodkjent.

§ 3.Typegodkjenningsvilkårene

Følgende hovedvilkår stilles i forbindelse med innretningen av gevinstautomater til bruk i det norske marked og om bord i norske skip som i fast rute trafikkerer norske havner:


Symbolbruken på automaten må ikke være støtende.


Automaten skal ikke gi fra seg lyd over 60 dB.


Minste spilletid skal være 1,5 sekunder pr. spill.


Automaten må gi mulighet for tilbakebetaling av ethvert innbetalt beløp over NOK 50 og enhver gevinst.


Spilleren skal kunne satse NOK 1 pr. trekning i hovedspillet. Samlet innsats pr. spilleomgang, inkludert eventuelle bonusspill, kan ikke overstige NOK 10.


Automaten må ikke inneha «near-miss»-funksjon.


Automaten kan utstyres med step-knapper, hold-knapper, e.l., som gir mulighet for begrenset flytting av gevinstsymbolene.


Programvaren til automaten må være utformet slik at gevinster oppnås tilfeldig, dog slik at gjennomsnittlig utbetalingsprosent ikke kan være lavere enn 78%.


Gevinstplanen skal utformes slik at det utbetales maksimalt 200 ganger innsats.


Automaten skal utstyres med informasjon på norsk som klargjør hvordan den virker.


Det skal fremgå klart gjennom oppslag e.l. hvilken lotteriverdig organisasjon som får inntektene fra automaten.


Det skal være installert et telleverk som gir betryggende sikkerhet for å fastslå bruttoomsetning, gevinstutbetaling og innhold i cashbox.

§ 4.Endringer i automater

Alle endringer i typegodkjente automater krever ny typegodkjenning. Dette gjelder også ved endring av navn. Dersom produksjonen av en automat flyttes til en annen fabrikk, kreves det ny typegodkjenning. Det skal alltid fremkomme på automaten hvem som er produsent.

§ 5.Ikrafttredelse

Forskriften trer i kraft straks og gjelder til 31. desember 2006.

Annex to regulation

Technical specifications towards gaming machines




The gaming machine must display an accurate representation of each game outcome utilizing:


Rotating reels


Video monitoring


Any other type of display mechanism that accurately depicts the outcome of the game.


The win table and all possible wagers must be displayed prominently on the gaming machine. The following events/items must also be displayed prominently on the machine:


The available stakes for wagering per game round


The maximum win per entire game round (NOK 2000)


A description of every possible winning event for every possible single game segment, with an associated winning amount for each possible winning combination/event


The number of purchasable pay-lines, and how each pay-line is oriented


The presentation of prizes and chances must not be misleading.


The following information must be displayed on the front of the gaming machine:


Malfunctions void all winnings and payments. There must also be a phone number displayed, that can be used anywhere in the country of Norway, that a player can call to report a malfunction, so the player can be informed of what he is to do.


Video gaming machines that display information on the monitor, must provide for the following requirements to be met at all times:


The required information is accessible with 0 credits on the gaming machine.


The required information is accessible at any time (prior to any single game segment).


If the software has incorporated the wagering of a stake of NOK 50 before offering the possibility of redemption of credits, then this must be prominently displayed (please see 3.5).


All informative text, including buttons, or any other part needed for proper game use must be in Norwegian. Exceptions will be authorized for the game's name, or any other special function that is equally comprehensible in other languages.


The gaming machine must prominently display the name of the manufacturer of the gaming machine.


The gaming machine must display a metal external registration tag. The tag should permanently be affixed to the front or side of the gaming machine. The tag must be visible when the machine is in operation.


The tag must include:


Name of manufacturer


Name of the machine


Model number


Unique serial number


CE mark.


The symbols used on the gaming machine must not be of a nature likely to give offence. The following is not an entire list, but are characteristics that positively can not be used:


The symbols or artwork may not contain symbols of a pornographic nature.


The symbols or artwork may not contain symbols of a Nazi affiliation.


The symbols or artwork may not contain symbols of a religious nature.


The symbols or artwork may not contain symbols of a violent nature.


The symbols or artwork may not contain symbols of a political nature.


The symbols or artwork may not appeal specifically to children.


A sign or other form of notice must be prominently displayed stating clearly the name of the lottery-approved organization promoting a humanitarian or social beneficial cause that will receive the proceeds from the gaming machine. This notice must be permanently affixed to the gaming machine.


Behind the glass or a permanently affixed sticker is acceptable.


A message indicating clearly the name of the lottery-approved organization promoting a humanitarian or social beneficial cause that will receive the proceeds from the machines may be electronically programmed to scroll across the electronic display of the gaming device in lieu of permanently affixing a tag. However, this message must scroll across the electronic display at least once per minute in entirety, while in an idle state.


The gaming machine must have electronic displays which continuously display the following information relating to the current play or monetary transaction, until the next game start. These displays must be in place for all single game segments.


The number of Kroner or credits wagered in the current game.


The number of Kroner or credits won in the current game, if applicable.


The number of credits available for wagering, if applicable. This display of credits may be displayed in multiple displays (credit display and bank display).




Sound events must not exceed a decibel level 60 dB.


The sound level is measured under the following conditions:


Environmental sound level is approximately 30 dB.


The back of the cabinet is at one (1) meter distance of a flat hard wall on a hard floor.


The microphone of the sound level meter is one (1) meter high and one (1) meter in front of the cabinet.


The microphone of the sound level meter is directed to the front of the cabinet.


The sound level meter reads the maximum level of the sound, time weighting is 125 ms, sampling rate is 50 ms.


The control program may allow for adjusting the volume of tolerated sounds, but not beyond the limitation given in this specification.


Credit Accumulation/Stake


A stake is a wager (credit) that is committed for game play, that was issued from either coin or bill insertion, credits from the « bank », credits from accumulated winnings, or credits from the credit meter.


The player must be able to stake a minimum sum of NOK 1 in the main game. The aggregate stake per entire gaming round, including any bonus game segments, may not exceed NOK 10.


Each credit or winning that is stored by the gaming machine must equal NOK 1 (1 credit = 1 Krone).


If winnings are stored by the gaming machine, the player must be able to redeem all winnings (cash them out of the pay-out device) whenever the player wants. (For pay-out device specific requirements please see 6.) All winnings must be paid out through the machines payout devices.


The player must be able to redeem all credits stored on the gaming machine whenever the player wants. The gaming machine may mandate that a stake of NOK 50, accepted by the bill validator or by the coin acceptor, has to be wagered before the gaming machine offers the possibility for the redemption of credits. This stake of NOK 50 must be buffered immediately after currency acceptance. It is not permissible to mandate the player to wager credits won, before wagering currency issued credits.


Gaming machines equipped with pay-out devices that pay out a minimum denomination of NOK 10 must allow for the player to insert coins to match the value for total pay out, if the value of the winnings or credits to be paid out is not equal to the nearest denomination for pay-out. This must be clearly stated in the display of the gaming device.


Game Functionality/Performance


Each single game segment must be at least one and a half (1.5) seconds in length. A single game segment is constituted from when the wager is finalized until the result of the draw is apparent. An entire game round may be a combination of multiple single game segments (main game, hold features, and subsequent bonus games)


A wager is finalized when either actual Kroner inserted, or credits, have been committed to wager, and the button which starts the play sequence has been depressed or when the button to initiate a bonus game is depressed.


The result of the draw is apparent when either the final reel which will dictate the outcome stops completely, the last card to constitute an outcome is dealt and can be viewed by the player, the bonus event displays its final outcome, or the hold feature has stopped at its final outcome.


The control program must not allow for adjusting the speed of each game play.


The gaming machine must pay out at least seventy eight percent (78%), which is a theoretical percentage pay-out during the expected lifetime of the gaming machine. The expected life time is equal to the mathematically calculated cycle. The percentage is determined when the game is played including all bonus games offered.


The winnings plan shall be arranged so as to pay out a maximum of 200 times the original stake.


For a stake of NOK 1, the maximum pay award would be NOK 200.


For a stake of NOK 10, the maximum pay award would be NOK 2000.


It is permissible to reserve access to certain bonus games for stakes of greater value than NOK 1.


If more than one main game segment is available for play, the player must have the option to play any of the main game segments at any time, with any available credits on the gaming machine.


All winning combinations must be made up of symbols that appear on purchased pay-lines only.


These combinations may consist of symbols on more than one (1) purchased pay-line, if the outcome of these combinations puts the player into a 'second chance' bonus game segment.


A 'second chance' bonus game is a second chance offered to the player to win a price. No wager may be required for a second chance bonus game. Holds and steps are examples of second chance bonus games.


Bonus game segments are permissible which allow winnings to be raised. Multiple bonus game segments may be initiated, however the highest possible prize in one entire game round is 200 times the initial stake.


No additional stake may be demanded for bonus games, total maximum stake for an entire game round is NOK 10.


If the bonus game(s) are offered, the player must have the ability to refuse participating in a bonus game by depressing a button at any time, if the bonus game is leading to a chance for the player to loose the already achieved winning.


The gaming machine may be equipped with step buttons, hold buttons, or similar, which permit the limited movement of winning symbols.


Hold may not be offered in a subsequent game segment after a win has been obtained or a hold and step function used.


A hold function is considered a single game segment, which means the minimum time this event must take is one and a half (1.5) seconds (please see 4.1).


If a step or hold function is offered, the player must have the ability to refuse the function by depressing a button at any time.


A new game must always be initiated by depressing and releasing a button. No automatic draws are permitted.


A game round has to be completed before a new game round can start. Advantages may not be carried over from one game round to another game round.




The game must use a random selection process that satisfies the ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence level using all of the following tests:


Standard chi-squared


Runs Analysis


Serial correlation.

These tests must not be predictable by players.


The gaming machine must not possess a « near-miss » feature.


Events in gaming machines are occurrences of elements or particular combinations of elements, which are available on the particular gaming machine.


An element may be defined as the following, but is not limited to:


Each and every reel stop


Each and every card dealt on the initial deal and the draw


The occurrence of a bonus game


The outcome of a bonus game


The occurrence of a hold feature


The outcome of a hold feature


The occurrence of a step feature


The outcome of a step feature


The number of steps in the step feature.


A random event has a given set of possible outcomes which has a given probability of occurrence called the distribution.


Two (2) events are called independent if the following conditions exist:


The outcome of one (1) event has no influence on the outcome of the other event.


The outcome of one (1) event does not affect the distribution of another event.


A gaming machine must be equipped with a random number generator to make the selection process. A selection process is considered random if the following specifications are met:


The random number generator satisfies at least ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence level using the standard chi-squared analysis.


The random number generator does not produce a statistic with regard to producing patterns of occurrences.


Each reel or card position is considered random if it meets the ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence level with regard to the runs test or any similar pattern testing statistic.


The random number generator produces numbers which are independently chosen without regard to any other symbol produced during that play. This test is the correlation test.


Each pair of reels is considered random if they meet at least the ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence level using standard correlation analysis.


Produces numbers which are chosen without reference to the series of outcomes in the previous game. This test is the serial correlation analysis.


A reel stop position is considered random if it meets at least the ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence level using standard serial correlation analysis.


Pay-out devices


All gaming machines must utilize at least one (1) pay-out device containing NOK 10 coins, to dispense coins from the gaming machine for redemption of credits and winnings.


Pay-out devices must be equipped with low coin level detection.


The pay-out device(s) must detect when the number of coins within the machine is less than the value of NOK 2000.


Upon low coin level detection from either pay-out device, the game must tilt, cease to accept any monetary input, or allow any monetary output. The game must be non-functional (tilted state) until properly addressed.


Pay-out devices must be able to detect the following and force the electronic gaming device into a tilt condition if one (1) of the following occurs:


Jammed coins


Pay-out device empty conditions


Low coin level detection.


After any of these tilts have been cleared properly by an attendant, the remainder of the pay-out device payment must be made properly.


The gaming machine control program must monitor the pay-out device mechanisms for these error conditions in all game states.


All coins paid from the pay-out device mechanisms must be accounted for by the gaming machine.


Alternative solutions for credit redemption payments may be permitted. These solutions will have to be submitted and approved by the Norwegian Gaming Board.


Coin Acceptors


Only electronic coin acceptors can be used.


Coin acceptors must be designed to accept only NOK 1, 5, 10, 20 and other approved Norwegian coins, and reject all other coins.


The coin receiver on a gaming machine must be designed to prevent the use of cheating methods, including, but not limited to:


slugging (acceptance of improper coins)


stringing (retrieval of accepted coins by the player)


The gaming machine control program must be capable of handling rapidly fed coins.


Gaming machines must use a coin acceptor that accepts or rejects a coin on the basis of:


metal composition and;


mass and;


composite makeup;



equivalent security (electronic identification comparison).


Bill Acceptors


Gaming machines may have bill validators installed into which a patron may insert currency in exchange for an equal value of electronic gaming device credits. The patron shall be able to obtain an equal number of coins for the amount of currency that was inserted into the bill validator.


Each credit that is stored by the gaming device for valid bill acceptance will equal NOK 1.


The bill acceptors must be configured to accept a combination of denominations. The highest allowable note denomination that can be accepted is NOK 200. The bill acceptor may not accept a new note denomination until 50% of the previous note denomination has been played off.


The bill validator may only accept the following denominations of bills:


NOK 50


NOK 100


NOK 200.


Bills accepted by the validator must be stored in a locked secure area.


Gaming machines may not be adapted to accept cheque cards, credit cards, or any form of payment method where payment is affected at a later date.




Gaming machines must be equipped with electronic meters.


The electronic meters must tally totals of at least eight (8) digits and be capable of rolling over to zero (0) when the maximum value is reached, and continue to accumulate properly from the zero (0) value.


The electronic meters must be accessible to display on-demand via a key switch on the exterior of the machine.


Electronic meters must have an accuracy rate of ninety-nine and ninety-nine one hundredths percent (99.99%) or better.


Gaming machines must also be equipped with additional mechanical (hardware) meters or meters with a similar functionality. The additional electro-mechanical meters must tally totals of at least six (6) digits and be capable of rolling over to zero (0) when the maximum value is reached, and continue to accumulate properly from the zero (0) value.


Electronically stored meter information required by this section must be preserved after a power loss to the gaming machine and must be maintained for a period of at least ninety (90) days.


No gaming machine may have a mechanism that causes the electronic accounting meters to clear automatically when an error occurs.


The required electronic meters are as follows:


The total cash in meter must maintain the cumulative Kroner value of all Kroners accepted by the coin acceptor and the bill validator. This does not include refills.


The total cash out meter must maintain the cumulative Kroner value that is paid by the pay-out devices.


The refill meter must maintain the total Kroner value of all coin refills that are made.


For every pay-out device there must be a meter that maintains the total Kroner value of the coins diverted into that pay out device.


For every pay-out device there must be a meter that maintains the total Kroner value of the coins paid by the pay out device.


The bills in meter must reflect the cumulative Kroner value of all bills inserted into the bill validator for play.


The games-played meter must display the cumulative number of games played.


A cabinet door meter must display the number of times the main cabinet door was opened. The opening of the main cabinet door must also be detected when the machine is not connected to an external power source.


The cash box door meter must display the cumulative number of times the cash box door and the bill validator door were opened.


If the gaming machine is equipped with a bill validator, the machine must be equipped with electronic bill validator meters that records the following:


The total number of bills that were accepted.


A breakdown of the number of each denomination of bill accepted.


The required electro-mechanical meters are as follows:


The total cash in meter


The total cash out meter


The refill meter.


These additional electro-mechanical meters (hardware meters) must accumulate in the exact same manner as the associated electronic meters.


Mandatory meters may be recorded in a periodic section and a permanent (master) section. The periodic meters may be cleared without the permission of the Norwegian Gaming Board.


Error Conditions


The gaming machine must be able to continue a game with no loss of data after a power failure or any other type of game tilt.


Gaming machine must be capable of detecting the following conditions, which an attendant must clear. When the following conditions are detected, the game must not accept any monetary input, or allow any monetary output. The game must be non-functional (tilted state) until properly cleared.


Power reset. (This may be counted and reset automatically if this does not affect the operation of the game in any way as far as the player is concerned.)


Door opens (any door on the game).


Coin-out jam.


Pay-out device empty or timed-out.


Low level of coins in any pay-out device.


Control Program error.


RAM error or corruption.


If manipulation on coin validator or bill validator is detected.


Reel spin error of any type, including a miss-index condition for rotating reels. The specific reel number must be identified in the error indicator. This has to be cleared if this happens more than 3 times in succession.


Low RAM battery, for batteries external to the RAM itself, or low power source.


A description of the gaming machines device error codes and their meanings must be provided to all personnel authorized to address these errors on the gaming machine. This description must also explain how to clear each error to allow proper game restoration.


A gaming machine must be capable of continuing the current play with all the current play features after a gaming machine malfunction (tilt) is cleared.


Hardware Requirements


No hardware or software switches may be installed which alter the pay tables on the electronic gaming device.


No hardware or software switches may be installed which alter the speed of play (each single game segment) of the electronic gaming device, beyond that of the limitation given in this specification.


Hardware and software switches may be installed to alter the pay out percentages in the operation of the electronic gaming device, but not lower than the minimum requirement given in this specification (please see 4.2).


Hardware or software switches may be installed which allow the configuration of the denomination of the coins to be filled in pay-out devices (please see 6 for clarification).


The internal space of a gaming machine must not be readily accessible when the main door of the gaming device is closed and locked.


A battery back-up device must be installed and capable of maintaining accuracy of the required electronic meter information, and game data recall information after power is discontinued from the gaming machine. This battery back-up device must be capable of sustaining the stored information for ninety (90) days in the event of power being removed from the gaming machine.


The gaming machines control program must provide the means for on-demand display of game data recall via a key switch on the exterior of the machine. This game data recall must allow for the display of the current game and the previous nine (9) games.


It should be anticipated that in the near future, a monitoring unit will be required to be installed in every gaming machine. This monitoring unit will allow the Norwegian Gaming Board to monitor each gaming machine activity.


Control Programs


The game must be controlled by a microprocessor.


The control program(s) residing in the gaming machine must be contained in a storage medium, which is not alterable through any use of the circuitry or programming of the gaming machine itself. This storage medium must be approved by the Norwegian Gaming Board.


The control program must check for corruption of RAM locations used for crucial gaming machine functions, including information relating to the play and final outcome and any error states. These memory areas must be checked for corruption following game initiation but prior to the display of the game outcome to the player. Detection of corruption is a game malfunction and must result in a tilt condition, which identifies the error and causes the gaming machine to cease further functions.


The game must be capable of communicating to a central computer system all mandatory electronic meter information, as well as all mandatory security information. The technical standards governing communication of accounting meter information and security events will be developed at a later date. For now, the game must be physically prepared (capable) to be interfaced to a black box communication system, which will be implemented in the future.


A gaming machine when executing bi-directional communication with internal and external associated equipment must use a communication protocol, which ensures that erroneous data or signals will not adversely affect the operation of the gaming machine.


Submitting for Type Approval


To submit a prototype of a gaming machine for the Norwegian market, an official request on company letterhead has to be made to GLI Europe (in English). The fully filled out standard GLI submission form is an annex to the submission letter. A duplicate submission has to be made to the Norwegian Gaming Board (with the submission request letter in English or Norwegian). The duplicate submission to the Norwegian Gaming Board has to contain: a copy of the standard GLI submission form, a technical machine description (in English or Norwegian), a game description (in English or Norwegian), artwork in Norwegian and English translation of the artwork. GLI Europe will start testing after the Norwegian Gaming Board has confirmed that the duplicate submission is received.


It should be noted that any additional information that the manufacturer can include with a submission may allow the testing laboratory to evaluate the product for compliance status much more efficiently, yielding a lower cost. Any training of the testing laboratories engineering staff, by an engineer from the manufacturer, may also facilitate this process, again yielding lower costs involved.


The minimum items/information that must be submitted to the testing laboratory before the laboratory will commence testing, is:


A random number generation autoplay program. This program must be a derivative of the main control program submitted. Its use will be for allowing the testing laboratory to collect RNG data from the gaming device to evaluate for compliance of the RNG routine, via a serial protocol interface on the gaming device. Specifications for this autoplay program and the data collection application will be supplied to the manufacturer in a different document.


One (1) emulator or development system.


Training or manual for emulator operation.


One (1) gaming device operations manual in English (including schematics).


One (1) fully functional gaming device with ALL associated internal hardware components.


Each and every program needing certification (in duplicate).


Source code for each and every program needing certification.


Manufacturer mathematical calculations print out (or program used). If the percentage can not be calculated on a theoretical base, a fast play program is needed that writes all game results to an RS-232 port. Only the final wins have to be written.


Display of Rules of Play document (artwork) if installed on the gaming machine in Norwegian. If a video gaming device submission, printouts of every instructional and/or help screens must be submitted.


Display of Rules of Play document (artwork) if installed on the gaming machine in English. If a video gaming device submission, printouts of every instructional and/or help screens must be submitted with a translation document in English of the printouts.


A game description document, that is a concise description of the game being submitted. This game description is a completely comprehensive description of the game, with all associated rules of play, winning combinations, win amounts, etc. This is NOT the artwork (display of rules of play) that will be placed on the gaming device in the field. It is a text-based document that fully describes the game and all of its functions.


All breakpoints and memory locations needed to test every aspect of the data program. This includes:


Time measurement: A breakpoint after depressing the start button and a breakpoint when a new game can be started. At these breakpoints it must be possible to read the time (real time, number of cycles etc.).


Forcing prizes: It must be possible, using the emulator, to force every win that can occur in the game. This includes all possible features and sub games.


RAM locations: It must be possible to change the contents of addresses in RAM memory. For example changing the contents of soft meters.


Bingo- og Lotteriforbundet

Holland Bingo

Norsk Automatbransjeforening (NOAF)

Norsk Cirkus- og tivoliforening

Norsk lokalradioforbund

Norsk Lotteridrift AS

Tippekommisjonærenes landsforening

Norskespill AS

Ringen Forlag AS




Care Norge

De Ti Humanitære AS

Den Norske Kreftforening

Den norske sjømannsmisjon


Handicappede barns foreldreforening


Landsforeningen for hjerte- og lungesyke

Landsforeningen for kvinner med bekkenløsning

Landsforeningen for polioskadde

Landsforeningen for støtte ved krybbedød

Landsforeningen for trafikkskadde

Motorførernes avholdsforbund

Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen

Norges Astma- og allergiforbund

Norges Automobilforbund

Norges Bokseforbund

Norges Blindeforbund

Norges Bordtennisforbund

Norges Bryteforbund

Norges Bygdeungdomslag

Norges Døve-Ungdomsforbund

Norges Fotballforbund

Norges Friidrettsforbund

Norges Handicapforbund

Norges Håndballforbund

Norges Idrettsforbund

Norges Ishockeyforbund


Norges Klatreforbund

Norges Miljøvernforbund

Norges Naturvernforbund

Norges Røde Kors

Norges Seilerforbund

Norges Skiforbund

Norges Svømmeforbund

Norges Volleyballforbund

Norsk Dysleksiforbund

Norsk Folkehjelp

Norsk forbund for psykisk utviklingshemmede

Norsk Foreldrelag for funksjonshemmede

Norsk Organisasjon for Asylsøkere

Norsk Psoriasisforbund

Norsk Revmatikerforbund

Norske kvinners sanitetsforening


Oslo Idrettskrets

Redd Barna



Rådet for barn og familie

Rådet for psykisk helse

SOS Rasisme

Stiftelsen Fadderbarnas Fremtid

Stiftelsen helse og rehabilitering

Stiftelsen Sofielund

Stiftelsen SOS barnebyer Norge

Ungdom mot narkotika

Voksne for barn



Barne- og familiedepartementet



Grimmi Consult


Innsamlingskontrollen i Norge


Landbruks- og matdepartementet


Norsk Forening for pengespillproblematikk

Norsk Rikstoto

Norsk Tipping AS

Norsk Jockeyklubb

Norsk Hestesenter

Det Norske Travselskap

Norske Trekningslister

Nærings- og handelsdepartementet


Handels- og servicenæringens hovedorganisasjon




Statens Innkrevingssentral

Øst-norsk kompetansesenter