Meld. St. 26 (2023–2024)


Meld. St. 26 (2023–2024) Report to the Storting (white paper)

The Government regularly presents reports (white papers) to the Storting (the Norwegian Parliament), that review all aspects of the governance of Svalbard (Svalbard white papers) to lay the foundation for stable and predictable management. There have been significant changes in Svalbard since the last Svalbard report in 2016. Climate change is impacting the archipelago, and tourism, research, and education have emerged as important bases for settlement, as the activity in the coal mining industry has decreased. There are more residents in Longyearbyen than ever before, and the composition of the population has also changed. Additionally, the security situation, both globally and in our immediate surroundings, is marked by greater seriousness and unpredictability than when the previous Svalbard report was presented. The Svalbard reports signal the Government’s objectives and ambitions for the governance of Svalbard. In a time characterised by significant changes, the Government reaffirms in the new Svalbard report continuity, predictability and a steady course in the administration of Svalbard. The overriding objectives for Svalbard policy remain unchanged. The Government aims to strengthen the Norwegian family community in Longyearbyen and will enhance state control over important infrastructure. Strong national interests have always been linked to the governance of Svalbard. This is also reflected in this report, and the sum of the proposed measures will further strengthen the extent of national control with the activity conducted on the archipelago.

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