CAHB | Committee of Experts on Buildings |
CAHAR | Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Legal Aspects of Territorial Asylum Refugees and Stateless Person |
CAHDI | Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law |
CAHFB | Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to exchange Views on Follow-up to the 4 th United Nations World Conference on Women and on National Programmes set up to implement the Platform for Action adopted by the Conference |
CAHNU | Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to exchange Views on the follow-up to the Programme of action of the World conference on Human Rights |
CDBI | Steering Committee on Bioethics |
CDCC | Council for Cultural Co-operation |
CDCJ | European Committee on Legal Co-operation |
CDCS | European Committee for Social Cohesion |
CDDH | Steering Committee for Human Rights |
CDDS | Committee for the Development of Sport |
CDEG | Steering Committee for Equality Between Women and Men |
CDEJ | European Steering Committee for Youth |
CDLR | Steering Committee on Local and Regional Authorities |
CDMG | European Committee on Migration |
CDMM | Steering Committee on the Mass Media |
CDPC | European Committee on Crime Problems |
CDPH | European Committee on Public Health |
CDPO | European Population Committee |
CDSP | European Health Committee |
CEM | Committee of Experts on Medicines subject to prescription |
CEMAT | Conference of Ministers Responsible for Regional Planning |
CLRAE | Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe |
CC-CULT | Culture Committee |
CC-ED | Education Committee |
CC-HER | Higher Education and Research Committee |
CC-PAT | Cultural Heritage Committee |
CDBI-CDSP-XENO | Working Group on xenotransplantation |
CD-P-RR | Committee on Rehabilitation and Integration of People with |
CD-P-SP | Public Health Committee |
CJ-DA | Project Group on Administrative Law |
CJ-EJ | Committee of Experts on Efficiency of Justice |
CJ-FA | Committee of Experts on Family Law |
CJ-IJ | Committee of Experts on Legal Data Processing |
CJ-NA | Committee of Experts on Nationality |
CJ-PD | Project Group on Data Projection |
CS-CO | Committee of Experts on Standard-setting Instruments |
CS-PS | Group of Specialists on Access to Social Protection |
GMC | Multidisciplinary Group on Corruption |
GMPC | Working Group on Criminal Law |
CS-QV | Group of Specialists on improving the qality of life of elderly dependent persons |
DC-AU | Drafting Committee on a Legal Instrument On Regional Self-Government |
DH-DEV | Committee of Experts for the Development of Human Rights |
DH-MIN | Committee of Experts on Issues relating to the Protection of National Minorities |
DH-PR | Committee of Experts for the Improvement of Procedures for the Protection of Human Rights |
DH-S-AC | Group of Specialists on Access to Official Information |
DI-S-RIT | Group of Specialists on Reservations Treaties of the Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law |
ECAC | European Civil Aviation Conference |
ECRI | European Commission against Racism And Intolerance |
EM-SE-GE | Ad Hoc Meeting of Experts on the Role of Employment Services in the Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Migrants and Disadvantaged Ethnic Groups |
ETS 123 | Third Multilateral Consultation of Parties to the European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes |
ETS 132 | The European Convention on Transfrontier Television |
ETS 108 | Consultative Committee on the Convention for The Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic processing of Personal Data |
ETS 65 | Working Party for the Preparation of the Third Multilateral Consultation of Parties to the European Convention for the Protection of Animals during International Transport |
GMC | Multidisciplinary Group on Corruption |
GMCA | Multidisciplinary Group on Administrative Law Aspects of Corruption |
CGCP | Working Group on Penal Law Aspects of Corruption |
GI-CAMP | Co-ordination Group for the Campaign «Europe//- A common Heritage» |
GT-RMER | Working Party on Mountain Regions and Rural Areas |
LR-E-ES | Committee of Experts on Electoral Systems And Voting Procedures at Local Level |
LR-E-FL | Committee of Experts on Local Finance |
LR-E-LAS | Committee of Experts on the Status of Local Authorities' Staff |
LR-E-LCA | Committee of Experts on the Legal Control And Auditing of Local Authorities' Action |
LR-E-PC | Committee of Experts on the Participation of Citizens in Local Public Life |
LR-E-REL | Committee of Experts on the Liability of Local Elected Representatives |
LR-E-SSL | Committee of Experts on the Role of Local and Regional Authorities in the Provision of Local Social Services |
MG-ED | Editorial Group for the new Community Relations Report |
MG-S-INT | Specialist Group on Integration and Community Relations |
MG-S-ROM | Specialist Group on Roma/Gypsies |
MM-CM | Committee of Experts on Media Concentrations and Pluralism |
MMF-26-HF | Committee of Liaison Officers responsible for the preparation of the XXVIth Session of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Family Affairs |
MM-S-AC | Group of Specialists on Access to official Information |
MM-S-PL | Group of Specialists on Media Pluralism |
MM-S-PR | Group of Specialists on the Protection |
MM-S-PJ | Group of Specialists on the Protection of Journalists |
MSS-7-HS | Committee of Senior Officials responsible for preparing the seventh Conference of European Ministers responsible for Social Security |
OEA | European Audiovisual Observatory Continuation of Activities |
PC-CO | Committee of Experts on Criminal Law and Criminological Aspects of organised Crime |
PC-CRC | Twenty-Second Criminological Research Conference |
PC-MP | Committee of Experts on Mediation in Penal Matters |
PC-OC | Committee of Experts on the Operation of the European Conventions in the Penal Field |
PC-PP | Committee of Experts on Staff concerned With the Implementation of Sanctions |
PC-PR | Committee of Experts on the Role of the Public Prosecution in the Criminal Justice System |
PC-SE | Committee of Experts on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation |
PC-TP | Project Group «Europe in the Time of Change: Crime Policy and Criminal Law |
PC-WI | Committee of Experts on Intimidation of Witnesses and the Rights of the Defence |
PE-S-DMR | Group for the Development in the Countryside |
POMPIDOU GROUP | Co-operation Group to combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drug |
PO-S-FF | Group of Specialists on Fertility and New Types of Households and Family Formation in Europe |
PO-S-MED | Group of Specialists on Demographic Imbalances between the Countries of the Mediterranean Basin |
PO-S-MIG | Group of Specialists on the Demographic Situation of National Minorities |
PO-S-REG | Group of Specialists on the Demographic Characteristics of Immigrant Population |
P-RR-LADI | Working Group on Legislation against Discrimination of Persons with Disabilities |
P-SP-PH | Committee of Experts on Pharmaceutical Questions |
PS-S-INNO | Group of Specialists on Innovatory Social Policies in the City |
SP-CTO | Committee of Experts on Organisational Aspects of Co-operation in Organ Transplantation |
SP-HM | Committee of Experts on Blood Transfusion and Immunohaemotology |
SP-ME | Committee of Experts on the Use of Medical Examinations for Employment And Insurance Purposes |
SP-R-GS | Select Committee of Experts on Quality Assurance in Blood Transfusion Services |
SP-SPM | The Adaption of Health Care Services on the Needs of People in Marginal Situations |
SP-S-QA | Group of Specialists on Quality Assurance for Organs, tissues and cells |
SP-WL | Committee of Experts on Criteria for the Management of waiting Lists and waiting Times in Health Care |
SS-AC | Committee of Experts for the Application of the European Convention on Social Security |
SS-CED | Committee of Experts on Social Security Systems and their Operation in a difficult Economic Context |
SS-DPS | Multidisciplinary Group on Dependence |
SS-CO | Committee of Experts on Standard-Setting Instruments |
T-AP | Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Protection of Animals Kept for Farming Purposes |
T-CC | Convention Committee on the Custody Convention |
T-DO | Monitoring Group of the Anti-doping Convention |
T-MG | Consultative Committee on the European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers |
T-PD (ETS 108) | Consultative Committee of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with Regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data |
T-PVS | Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats |
T-RV | Standing Committee of the European Convention on Spectator Violence and Misbehaviour at Sports Events and in Particular at Football Matches |
T-SG | Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter |
T-SI | Committee of Independent Experts of the European Social Charter |
T-TA | Multilateral Committee on the European Agreement on the Transmission of Applications for Legal Aid |
T-TT (ETS 132) | Standing Committee on Transfrontier Television |