4 Kategoriseringsmal fra The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project

Tabell 4.1 Kategoriseringsmal fra The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project

ICNPOEngelsk ICNPO-kategoriNorsk ICNPO-kategoriNorske eksempler
1CULTURE & RECREATIONKultur og rekreasjon
1 100Culture and ArtsKunst og kulturMusikk, teater og dans, Kunst, brukskunst og arkitektur, Historie, litteratur og språk, Museer, samlinger og bibliotek, Tidsskrifter og medier, Andre kulturelle og kunstneriske aktiviteter
1 200SportsIdrettAlle typer idrett, sport og trim, også skytterlag, bedriftsidrett og idrett for funksjonshemmede
1 300Other Recreation & Service ClubsRekreasjon og sosiale foreningerFriluftsliv og speideren, Motor og båtforening, Dyreeierklubber, Pensjonistlag, Studentsamfunn, Sosiale klubber (Rotary, Lions etc.), Andre hobby- og fritidsaktiviteter
2EDUCATION & RESEARCHUtdanning og forskningBarne- og ungdomsskoler, Videregående skoler, Folkehøgskoler, Universitet og høgskoler, Yrkesrettet/teknisk utdanning, Voksenopplæring og videreutdanning, forskning
2 100Primary & Secondary EducationGrunn og videregående utdanning
2 200Higher EducationHøgskole og universitet
2 300Other EducationAnnen utdanning
2 400ResearchForskning og utvikling
3HEALTHHelseSykehus, Rehabilitering, Pleie- og aldershjem, Psykiatriske institusjoner, Polikliniske helsetjenester, Alternativ medisin, Redningsarbeid og ambulansetjenester
3 100Hospitals & RehabilitationSykehus og rehabilitering
3 200Nursing HomesSykehjem
3 300Mental HealthPsykiatriske institusjoner
3 400Other Health ServiceAndre helsetjenester
4SOCIAL SERVICESSosiale tjenesterBarnehager, Familierådgivning, Krisesentre og -telefoner, Tjenester for funksjonshemmede, Tjenester for eldre, Selvhjelp, Materiell hjelp til trengende, Barnevern, Tiltak for rusmiddelmisbrukere
4 100Social ServicesSosiale tjenester
4 200Emergency & ReliefKrisehjelp og støttearbeid
4 300Income Support & MaintenanceØkonomisk og materiell støtte
5ENVIRONMENTNatur- og miljøvern
5 100EnvironmentNatur- og miljøvernOmrådevern og områdeforvaltning,
5 200AnimalsDyrevern
6DEVELOPMENT & HOUSINGBolig- og lokalmiljøGrendelag, Forsamlingshus, Huseier­forening, Borettslag
6 100Community DevelopmentLokalsamfunnsutvikling
6 200HousingBolig- og lokalmiljø
6 300Employment & TrainingArbeidsopplæring
7CIVIC & ADVOCACYPolitiske- og interesse­organisasjonerFunksjonshemmede og syke, Kvinnesak, Mållag, Avhold, Etniske minoriteter, Rettighets- og støttearbeid for svake og utsatte grupper (innsatte, fattige m.v.), Kampanjer og lobbyvirksomhet, Juridisk bistand, Forbrukerorganisasjoner, Politiske partier
7 100Civic & Advocacy OrganizationsInteresseorganisasjoner
7 200Law & Legal ServicesJuridisk rådgivning
7 300Political OrganizationsPolitiske organisasjoner
8PHILANTHROPYLegater og fremme av frivillighet
8 100Grant-making foundationsPengeutdelende stiftelser
8 200Other philanthropic intermediariesFrivillighetssentraler
9INTERN'L ACTIVITIESInternasjonale organisasjonerInternasjonale vennskaps- og utvekslingsprogrammer, Internasjonalt nødhjelp- og bistandsarbeid, Menneskerettighets- og fredsarbeid
9 100International activities
10RELIGIOUS CONGREGATIONSTros- og livssynsorganisa­sjonerOrganisasjoner tilknyttet Den norske kirke , Misjon, Protestantisk frikirke, Andre religioner, Livssynsorganisasjoner
10 100Religious congregations and associations
11PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONSYrkes-, bransje- og fag­foreningerArbeidstaker- og arbeidsgiverorganisasjoner, Bransje- og næringssammenslutninger, Produsentkooperativer, Elev- og studentorganisasjoner
11 100Business associationsNæringslivs- og arbeids­giverorganisasjoner
11 200Professional associationsYrkessammenslutninger
11 300UnionsArbeidstakerorganisasjoner
12 100n.e.c

Tabell 4.2 The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project Adapted from Handbook Table T3.3 (continued) Correlation of ICNPO and ISIC, Rev. 3.1 headings

ICNPOclassDescriptionISIC,Rev. 3.1classDescription
Group 1Culture and recreation
1 100Culture and arts2211Publishing of books, brochures, musical books and other publications
2212Publishing of newspapers, journals and periodicals
2213Publishing of recorded media
2219Other publishing
9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
9211Motion picture and video production and distribution
9213Radio and television activities
9214Dramatic arts, music and other arts activities
9231Library and archives activities
9232Museums activities and preservation of historical sites and buildings and buildings
9233Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities
1 200Sports9241Sporting activities
1 300Other recreation and social clubs9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
9249Other recreational activities
1 900Culture and recreation, n.e.c.
Group 2Education and research
2 100Primary and secondary education8010Primary education
8021General secondary education
2 200Higher education8030Higher education
2 300Other education (vocational/technical schools)8022Technical and vocational secondary education
8090Adult and other education
2 400Research (medical research, science and technology)7310Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering (NSE)
7320Research and experimental development on social sciences and humanities (SSH)
2 900Education and research, n.e.c.
Group 3Health
3 100Hospitals and rehabilitation8511Hospital activities
3 200Nursing homes8519Other human health activities
3 300Mental health and crisis intervention8511Hospital activities
8512Medical and dental practice activities
8519Other human health activities
8532Social work without accommodation
3 400Other health services8512Medical and dental practice activities
8519Other human health activities
9000Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities
3 900Health, n.e.c.
Group 4Social services
4 100Social services8531Social work with accommodation
8532Social work without accommodation
4 200Emergency and relief8532Social work without accommodation
7523Public order and safety activities
4 300Income support and maintenance8532Social work without accommodation
4 900Social services, n.e.c.
Group 5Environment
5 100Environment9000Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities
9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
9233Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities
5 200Animal protection0140Agricultural and animal husbandry service activities, except veterinary activities
8520Veterinary activities
9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
9233Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities
5 900Environment, n.e.c.
Group 6Development and housing
6 100Economic, social and community development4520Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering
4530Building installation
4540Building completion
6519Other monetary intermediation
7414Business and management consultancy activities
7421Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy
9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
6 200Housing4510Site preparation
4520Building of complete constructions or parts thereof; civil engineering
4530Building installation
4540Building completion
7010Real estate activities with own or leased property
7020Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis
8532Social work without accommodation
9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
6 300Employment and training8090Adult and other education
8532Social work without accommodation
6 900Development and housing, n.e.c.
Group 7Law, advocacy and politics
7 100Civic and advocacy organizations9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
7 200Law and legal services7411Legal activities
7523Public order and safety activities
8532Social work without accommodation
7 300Political organizations9192Activities of political organizations
7 900Law, advocacy and politics, n.e.c.
Group 8Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion
8 100Grant-making foundations6599Other financial intermediation n.e.c.
8 200Other philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion5520Restaurants, bars and canteens (meals on wheels)
8532Social work without accommodation
7499Other business activities n.e.c.
9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
9249Other recreational activities n.e.c.
8 900Philanthropic intermediaries and voluntarism promotion, n.e.c.
Group 9International
9 100International activities9199Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.
Group 10Religion
10 100Religious congregations and associations9191Activities of religious organizations
Group 11Business and professional associations, unions
11 100Business associations9111Activities of business and employers organizations
11 200Professional associations9112Activities of professional organizations
11 300Unions9120Activities of trade unions
11 900Business and professional associations, unions, n.e.c.
Group 12Not elsewhere classified
12 100Not elsewhere classifiedAll other ISIC Classes01 (x 0140), 02-41 (x221), 4550, 50-67 (x 5520, 6519, 6599), 71, 72, 74 (x 7411, 7414, 7421, 7499), 75 (x 7523), 9212, 9219, 9220, 9241, 93-99

Kilde: The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project

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