NOU 1997: 27

Nytte-kostnadsanalyser— Prinsipper for lønnsomhetsvurderinger i offentlig sektor

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Kapittel 2

Mossin, J. (1979): Operasjonsanalytiske emner. Tanum-Norli A/S.

Kapittel 3

Nyborg, K. og I. Spangen (1993): Politiske beslutninger om investeringer i veger. TØI-notat 1026/1993.

Kapittel 4

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Kapittel 6

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NOU 1996: 9: Grønne skatter - en politikk for bedre miljø og høy sysselsetting.

NOU 1996: 17: I Norge - for tiden?Schulze, C. (1990): The Federal Budget and the Nation's Economic Health. I Aaron, H. (red.): Setting National Priorities. Policy for the Nineties. The Brookings Institution.

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Kapittel 8

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Kapittel 10

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Jones-Lee, M. W. (1991): Altruism and the Value of Other People's Safety. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 4.

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